.you will receive a response to your e-mail placing your wish immediately but since oil paintings take considerable time to dry completely, it will take some time for a self portrait of .-_-. to be ready for you. meanwhile you can keep in contact with .-_-. and follow the process_
.you will also need to arrange a meeting at the city where .-_-. will be to take it from .-_-. within a year following your request. the self portrait may not be shipped or delivered without meeting .-_-. .if the meeting cannot be arranged within a year following your request, then the painting will be destroyed by .-_-.
.even though the series is intended to be “unlimited”, it is subject to scarcity because of its material nature, just like any other material production. .-_-. loves to make one painting for every wish but this material mode of production is limited by the labour and financial resources of .-_-. .however .-_-. is determined to donate all available self labour and financial resources for painting a self portrait for every wish_
.self portrait: i’d be honoured to paint one for you as a gift_ envies the self portrait tradition in art and particularly painting. self portraits are about the authorship, autonomy, ego and the representation of the self. self portraits date back to the renaissance where painters started positioning themselves as the main subject of their artwork. this also emphasizes the role of authorship in art; the artist’s identity as the creator. on one hand .-_-. envies “old masters” by trying to make oil on canvas self portrait painting, on the other many aspects of the works of .-_-. in general question the role of authorship in art_
.the written representation of the artist’s identity, which is .-_-. , cannot be pronounced properly, or at least pronounced differently in every language and even differently by people speaking the same language. it does not refer to any gender, nation, culture, language and even cannot be searched on the internet since it does not contain any “letters” but it also has a transnational and transterritorial perception. the “self” in the work of .-_-. is the multitude_
.beyond its ownership, you will also have all the freedom on the painting as an object. you can sell it or make commercial use of it but .self portrait: i’d be honoured to paint one for you as a gift_ is also .copyleft!_ .you can appropriate it as you wish, exhibit and sell it and/or the appropriated work etc according to .copyleft!_
.you will have all the freedom on the painting but for any multiplication of it, be it a replica or an image, you are also asked to give all the freedom to others as well. this is to put that any image or any other kind of appropriation of the painting shouldn’t be subject to conventional copyright. if you appropriate it, you are also asked to give all the freedom on your appropriation to everybody, using a copyleft license_
.however this .copyleft!_ notice puts you in “no” legal obligation. it’s just a notice and declares artist’s intention for how the future relations with .self portrait: i’d be honoured to paint one for you as a gift_ would be created_
.by the way, you are also free to destroy or use the painting as an “ironing board”, if you like. .-_-. possesses and claims no moral rights on it as an artist as well and disclaims any rights given directly by the recent conventional copyright regimes_
.self portrait: i’d be honoured to paint one for you as a gift_
unlimited series of 70 x 100 cm oil on canvas self portrait paintings as gifts
.copyleft!_ .-_-. , 2012
the distributed identity .-_-. was craeated by peers of free culture at httpdot.net collectively and has been appropriated by many of them anonymously until the exhibition of .intuition3.0: totally dematerialized, zero-byte work of art_ by .-_-. at the 13th İstanbul Biennial on september 2013.
peers of free culture at httpdot.net do not appropriate the distributed identity .-_-. anymore but you are most welcome to.
.this page was created on 29.08.2012, updated many times, and last updated on 19.08.2018